Featured image of post CTF校队宣讲会


CTF Team Seminar


CTF,Capture the Flag,一类黑客技术竞赛。CTF校队正是挑战黑客技术,勇往直前的一支竞赛队伍。



CTF Team Seminar

CTF, Capture the Flag, is a hacking competition, and the CTF Varsity Team is a team that challenges hacking technology and goes forward.

To unveil the mystery of the hacking competition, we will hold a CTF Varsity presentation on June 13 (Sunday) in Classroom 303 of the Lecture Hall 1 to recruit students who are interested in CTF to join the team, introduce CTF activities and the work of the team.

Also, members from Prof. Fengwei Zhang’s lab will be there to support, computer security, hacking competitions, CTF Varsity, and everyone is welcome to be there to participate!

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Last updated on May 09, 2021 15:00 +0800